Shot Of Life


Learning more about recovery, there are usually 4 things that may lead to difficulties or the tendency to go back to your addictions.


I understand this as the hunger that goes beyond food. It could be desires, and wants. It could be lust, it could be passions left unchecked.


In the difficulties of life, one can get left frustrated, angry. This could lead one again to looking for that drink.


This is another big one. In this modern world where we are all supposedly hyper connected, loneliness can loom in the background. That's why I think it's important to connect with people. The fellowship of AA does that. Hanging out with friends, without alcohol in the picture does that. - Though you have to relearn this after being so used to socializing with alcohol.


This is also something that rears its head from time to time. Overwork, being so busy, being so full of tasks.. This makes for a disposition that could be prone to wanting to be "relieved". That feeling of relief, if left unchecked, can lead to addictive behavior.

I try my best to be wary of these situations. I take something from meditation and prayer. Sitting with these negative feelings. Allowing myself to feel it rather than to run away from it.

Feel free to email me at if you'd like to discuss more.